Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Silly things

Two days ago I walked into the house for lunch and Fred was standing in the kitchen with no pants. Granted, he did have underwear on, and a nice polo, but he definitely knows how to show me how this household works quickly. I also woke up early this morning before the sun had come up to go to the bathroom and go back to bed, and he was doing Chinese meditation (with music) in the living room. The first night I was here he showed me HIS seat at the table, and it cracked me up how much it meant to him. I haven't sat there since, not even when I am home alone. I really like Fred.

Other funny things to note about the French:
- there are no such things as napkins (I don't even know where I would find one in our house!) We only use our hands for bread and fruit, but even pizza is with a fork (especially because a lot of the time it comes with an egg in the middle, and each person eats a full huge pizza to themselves)
- there are NEVER toilet seats in the bathroom! Thanks mom for teaching me how to squat!
- there is rarely toilet paper in many bathrooms, especially at the school, and if there is, it is on one big roll outside of the stalls for girls to grab before they go in to take care of their business. BIZARRE!

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